Founder's Desk
Some Retired Teachers, former Headmaster and Headmistress as also Social workers who dedicated their whole life for the spread of education in our rural area believing the ideals of Swami Vivekananda, came forward and made a Committee in 2003 to run our English Medium School. However, our founders namely, Late Radhakanta Mondal, founder President of Barjora Vivekananda Vidya Mandir Sri Balaram Dawn ,present President of our School have immense contribution in establishing Barjora Girls’ High School(H.S.) during seventies ,Barjora High School(H.S) during 1960’s ,Barjora College during late eighties .Our founders realised the need of setting up an English Medium School where students of this growing industrial belt ,can carry on their education at an affordable cost . As Barjora has become an industrial belt, people from different States of our country come to work and reside here. So, non Bengali speaking as well as Bengali speaking students come to study in our English Medium School.

Late Radhakanta Mondal
Founder President
Sri Balaram Dawn
Present President